April 3, 2010


Posted in Uncategorized at 11:11 PM by dz

Believe it or not, video games are a big business. I know I didn’t believe it until I did some research. It is predicted that the gaming industry to be at $48.9 billion by 2011 and overtaking music sales, according to MSN Money. So it’s obvious that video games are a part of life for many people. I think that video games and the internet are wonderful things, in moderation, especially for the younger generation. But when it controls an individual’s life, it can go over the line into addiction. But there’s hope for the addict. Late last year, the American Medical Association (AMA) voted video game addiction as a mental disorder. AMA believes that any video game has the potential to cause addictive behavior, but by far those who exhibited the most addictive signs were those who played the Massively Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game.


I know a lot of people my age experienced setbacks in academics in relation to gaming addiction. Speaking from experience, I believe that it all comes down to self-control. This is the line that differentiate playing and actually addicted to games. I once had the same problem but I took initiative and put a stop to the addiction. When all signs point to that you no longer have full control of yourself, you must find a way to stop playing. This was especially hard for me because it’s nearly impossible to navigate today’s world without using computers. This makes it necessary for the addict to stop playing all computer video games, a little can quickly become too much. If all attempts to stop playing fails, I would recommend a hail mary that put an end to my addiction, unplug the computer or the gaming console and store it away until you can regain self-consciousness.

March 28, 2010

Return of Addiction

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , at 2:22 PM by dz

Just as I was about to ask my friend to go shoot some pool on a Saturday night, he took no hesitation in passing the offer. Of course, he told me that Starcraft II has finally released the long awaited beta and it is downloading on his computer as we spoke. Ironically, I, myself can also relate to this game. Starcraft was first released in 1998 and immediately became one of the best-selling computer games ever made. I was addicted to this game throughout my teen years. It was to a point where I had to limit myself even touching the computer that I realized I’m putting this game ahead of my priorities, and I was not the only one.  The new beta for Starcraft II takes the game to a whole new level. Here it is, Starcraft is making its presence known again! Never has any game gripped gamers so tightly like Starcraft. It is almost like a drug for some! The immense cultural impact directed the game itself as the unofficial national game of South Korea, where professional players and teams participate in matches, earn sponsorships, and compete in televised tournaments. Starcraft makes it comeback with an obvious visibly improved graphics engine (3D) compared to the original game released back in 98.


Starcraft II


Gamespot is a video game website that provides news, reviews, downloads, and other information in relation to gaming. I came across an interesting article titled “Korea reacts to increase in game addiction.” Almost automatically, I recalled the infamous story from years back that South Korean man who died playing over 50 hours of Starcraft at an internet cafe. Everyone who played the game knows about this story. As I read through the article, indeed this specific story was mentioned. It was also mentioned that “the counseling sessions consist of alternative recreation programs and group therapy to ease addictive compulsions. KADO plans to open more local counseling agencies across the country (in addition to its 40 established counseling agencies already in operation) by expanding its financial support to local counselors, according to the Korea Herald.”

I took the initiative and asked my Korean friends  the reasons for such a craze over a game. They told me that Korean owned internet cafes offered discounts and free soft drinks for playing over four or five hours. All my friends agreed that the low prices kept them going back. I remember when I use to go to internet cafes, I would see countless unsupervised school-aged students using the PCs during school hours. However, a local law prohibits minors from entering Internet cafes between the hours of 10 p.m. and 9 a.m. My friends also expressed concern that there is a lot of stress in Korean society. Going to internet cafes is one way to relieve stress and disconnect themselves from the real world. It’s mainly the stress-relieving factor. I agree that relieving stress by spending time in an internet cafe to play online games may seem harmless to some. However, it is apparent that the lengthy hours spent playing online games directly contributed to the meaningless deaths of young people.

March 12, 2010

New Found Addiction

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , at 9:36 PM by dz

By listening to my peers talking about the games they play over meals, I realized that people that play games are all addicted to some extent. What I mean is that people play games, talk about them with peers and even write reviews/strategy articles about them. Video games are an interest, a hobby, and a passion for many of people, and some people don’t even realize that. The difference is how they control their desire to play games. I realize that as popularity for a specific games is on the rise, the more publicity it has, and the more people talk about it, the more intriguing it is for people to try it. Some people play games because all of their friends play that game. Some people feel the need to compensate their own interest to get with the new trends with all of their friends. Like any addiction, video game addictions can get out of hand. Certainly when it causes harm to yourself or others, and affecting life temporarily or even, in extreme cases, fatally.

Marketing of New Games

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has been one of the most anticipated games during late 2009. For someone like myself who is not into video games at all, even I have heard a thing or two about the game. In the first 24 hours the game was available, more than 4.7 million copies were sold, generating $310 million in revenue, Activision reported. That made Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 the biggest entertainment launch in history, with higher day-one receipts than The Dark Knight movie or the final Harry Potter book. The buzz around Modern Warfare 2 is outrageous. Of course with such high sales rate comes higher demands. All of my friends that are into video games own a copy for themselves. I’ve heard from all of them at least once, bragging about their skill in the game. The game itself became an instant ice breaker in every situation. There’s always something to talk about amongst themselves about the game.

Facebook Group

I’ve came across a Facebook group called “MW2 Addiction Support Group.” This group is relevant to those who are addicted to the game, as well as for those who has lost a love one to their new found addiction. It is a place for discussion in relation to the addiction.

March 7, 2010

Addiction on Social Media

Posted in Uncategorized at 7:50 PM by dz

Gaming addiction: Psychological problem or social disorder?

Many of my friends have stayed up late more than once playing their favorite computer or online games. Some of them have even heard complaints from their families and significant others, as well as myself about the amount of time they spend playing online games rather than doing something productive. The web holds a variety of sites that allow users to play games through a third party without any installation requirements. All you need is a JavaScript, which usually comes standard in computers, and you’re good to go.

Facebook Games
Facebook has an unlimited supply of fun games to play. I always find my friends addicted to playing games on Facebook when procrastination strikes. Games such as Farmville and BeJewels always sends out tedious messages to players’ friends to gain bonuses. Not only do the posts allow friends to see how well a player is doing, they are usually also an easy way to recruit more players.

Recruiting Friends
My friends who plays these games often beg me to click on their game link to help them gain game bonuses. I’m sure I’m not the only one that encountered this over an IM message. Many people such as myself would either agree to click these tedious links to help a friend out, or just simply decline it. While a non-game playing friend clicks the pointless link to the game, it automatically enrolls the individual into the game. I often see these games send out mass invites to all the players’ friends. By clicking the game link, many Facebook users are bound to click out of pure curiosity. The constant domino effect of clicked links will generate mass amount of bonuses and/or award for the player. This increases enjoyment for the game, and keeps users coming back for more.

February 28, 2010

Managing Gaming Addiction

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , at 1:01 PM by dz

Is a video game addict simply someone who likes to play a lot?

I was reading about researches done by a clinical psychologist named Bjorn Hardarson, who has extensive experince in working with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that helps prevent internet addiction and dangers of the internet. I’ve came upon many stories on children attacking their parents, not showing up in school, playing between 30-120 hours a week, committing suicides, urinating in bottles instead of going couple feet from the computer to the bathroom. Sadly these stories are all true and there are lots more of them. Here are some factors he contributed in managing gaming addictions:

The amount of time kids spent online and spent playing video games should be considered from the very moment the console is turned on, consoles such as playstation, xbox, wii, PC or any other game related device. Set time limits and try to balance the time spent using a computer to other activities like sports.

Types of games
Online multiplayer games have people all over the world taking roles in the online community and has become so lost in playing a role in the game. There are of course people who loose control in other kind of games, but mutiplayer games are the most likely to cause addiction.

Parents need to recognize the problem before it gets out of hand. If you have children that does not show up in school, getting bad grades and falling asleep in class and do nothing but play the game, something needs to be done.

Monitoring the time spent playing
Parents can use a spreadsheet to monitor playing time for a week to see how much time is used online and on the game. As well as other daily activities. Ultimately, decide what can be done to limit the time spent on each task throughout the day. To avoid multiplayer online games, time limit on internet access can be easily configured on the computer settings to match the time you feel is suitable for your child’s need. If there is positive progress, have a weekly meeting with your child about the result and try to find something new to do  to encourage their improvement.

I think that Hardarson’s suggestions are capable of helping many new addicts to find their way in neutralizing their daily activities and their gaming addiction. However, for those that are already addicted, these are merely baby steps.

February 21, 2010

Virtual Detox

Posted in Uncategorized at 3:07 PM by dz

Internet gaming can be a compulsion as strong as gambling. Researchers are already labeling it addiction under Internet Addiction Disorder, or IAD. A person can become addicted to many behaviors. Some of the behaviors have a higher addictive potential rate. However, any behavior that can rapidly change an individual’s mood and mental state has a potential for addiction, in this case, gaming addiction.

The Causes
One of the things that makes internet games addictive is the action. Much like gambling addictions the person is consumed by all the actions. Despite vivid graphical activities occurring on the screen, the real action is in their head. Despite all the activity observed at the control pad, the action going on in their head is even faster and more intensive.

The Consequences
The problems arise when the amount of play becomes out of control. When the person neglects hygiene, daily activities, sleep, eating and other necessary daily routines, they are well on their way to addiction. Since video games are more acceptable stimulation than gambling or drugs, many addictive individuals often settle for this activity to hide or mask their addictions. Instead of overcoming their previous addiction, they have transferred it to another object. If you watch serious video game players you will see the many mood altering experiences they go through when playing their games.

How Do I Know if I’m addicted
Does this mean that anyone who plays video games is addicted? Of course not. What it does mean is that when an individual’s basic living activities are significantly impacted, they are playing too much.

Where to Find Help
Online Gamers Anonymous is a self-help fellowship site where people share their experience, strengths and hope to assist in recovery from the problems caused by excessive game playing, whether it be computer, video, console, or on-line.

Gaming Can Be A Compulsion As Strong As Gambling

February 14, 2010

Effects of Addiction

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , at 11:10 PM by dz

People all over the world are taking a role in the online community and become so lost in playing a role in a particular game. The problem is that as video games become more and realistic and engaging, the conception of their self changes with it.

People become so attached with the role in the game that they merely see is as who they are in real life. Role playing-games, also known as RPG games can sometimes seem that whenever you’re not playing you are falling behind. Even if you play every waking hour, there is always going to be someone ahead of you in some way.

Addicted gamers view many of these RPG games as a mass-market online entertainment experience, rather than just a game. For example, the game World of Warcraft is on top of the RPG game chain, and is no longer competing with other games at this point and time. For millions of people it is competing against other mass entertainment media like television and movies. By paying $15 a month to play WOW, it will get you unlimited WOW playtime but barely a seat and a soda for a two hour movie.

In a recent study done by psychologists from Leeds University in London shown that people who experience gaming addiction also had a higher incidence of moderate to severe depression than normal users. However, it is unclear that depressed people are drawn to these games or does the gaming addiction cause depression.

February 8, 2010

Gaming Addiction

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , at 4:29 AM by dz

Massive multiplayer online games: a new technology offered to the society to utilize a machine to change the way we feel inside to a point where we self entrap ourselves.

Online gaming addiction among teenagers is not uncommon. Gaming industries such as Blizzard Entertainment do a very good job setting the stage for children, adolescents and even adults to feel a sense of power and dominance in the virtual world. For example, World of Warcraft have people all over the world taking roles in the online community and has become so lost in playing a role in the game.

Young adults, in particular, become bored easily. Turning on the television and instantly alleviate their boredom use to be the option. As the availability of online gaming activities become extremely popular, it eminently becomes an alternative. A big part of gaming addiction is related to the social climate more than anything else. Once you have some friends in a particular game, and in some cases you actually find your “friends” in these games, there is simply always more to do, another skill to learn, and another quest to complete.

In a recent research done by WebMD, video game addicts among the 1,178 youths surveyed played much more often than casual gamers, made worse grades, fired up their computers to escape from reality, had more trouble paying attention in school, got in more fights, and were more than twice as likely to have been diagnosed with attention deficit disorders.

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Once you have some friends in the game, and in some cases even if you don’t, there is simply always more to do, another skill to learn, another quest to complete, another tier of luxury goods to revel in.sive multiplayer online games: a new technology offered to the society to utilize a machine to change the way we feel inside to a point where we self entrap ourselves.